- Global Twin Star established in early 2008
- Focus on Testing Instruments, Protection & Control , Monitoring System for Electric utility & Industries
To become a solution providers that serve Industries & power utility sector in Indonesia (Menjadi penyedia solusi yang melayani industri dan perusahaan listrik di Indonesia)

Developing new innovation to support clients to achieve better efficiency by focusing in product development, engineering and application.(Mengembangkan inovasi baru untuk mendukung pelanggan demi mencapai efisiensi yang lebih baik dengan berkonsentrasi pada pengembangan produk, rekayasa dan penerapan).
Protection Relays, Testing Instruments, and Solutions Provider
Global Twin Star is established in 2008 and we focus on testing instruments, protections & relays, and monitoring systems for utility of industries.
We provide you with the latest & proven technology products which are backed up by manufacturer. We also provide in house technical support, system designing and training to support your business, empowering you seamlessly with our ultimate solutions to solve the problem